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A Helping Hand Will Never suffer

The main
aim of  Kenifoundation is to develop
schools and hospitals to improve people’s lives in the Horn of Africa. We work
together with other local NGOs for efficiency. The local people will have a hundred
per cent responsibility, so we involve them because it is all about them. They
decide what they need, and we facilitate and train the individuals involved in
the projects.

The idea of
equipping the hospitals and developing clinics in the Horn of Africa is from
Jamal malik. He wanted to end the child and mother’s death during birth which
is very common in these areas.

The very
small complication can cause death to the child or mother even in the worst
case, both mother and the child, which is a very sad scenario even to think
about leaving alone those who go through this traumatic situation. Can you
imagine people holding their breath every time their loved ones are about to
give birth? Jamal’s dream is to end this and make it possible for every mother
to give birth in the hospital around even with complications. No ambulance
takes people to a nearby hospital; they have to hope that a car passes through
their village so that they ask for help to transport the pregnant or critically
sick people to the hospital. Even not, they have to carry them themselves and
walk, and some died on the way without reaching the hospital. Hospitals need sanitary
and clean water. There is no sanitary and clean available for the patients who
come to the hospitals. Hospitals need to be well equipped with all the
necessary types of equipment and lights.


also helps to build and equip schools. Through education, these generations can
uplift their villages and towns. We will help all the children, both boys and
girls, equally get the support they need to contribute to their area’s future
development. The children whose parents can pay school fees can go to school,
and the poor children remain at home because their parents cannot afford the
school fees. It is aimed that every child gets an opportunity to go to school,
which is well equipped with all the necessary learning materials and sports
facilities. So that the children have a chance to do sport and their life not
only study. There is no electricity. The aim of kenifoundation is to bring
solar energy for the children to learn at school during the evening. Now they
depend on the daylights to read as evening some of them have no candle lights
at home.


There is a
problem with running clean water and sanitary. Kenifoundation wants to drill
running water so that the people get clean water to drink in the villages. The
people of the villages in the Horn of Africa walk distances to get water. First
and fore, it is risky for the people because of the many cases of people being
attacked by wild animals who are also depending on the water. But, it is
contaminated water that causes diarrhoea. Wild animals, livestock, and people
depend on this stagnant water, raising the alarm for the local people’s safety. 



We can offer consultation and support to any organization willing to start projects in the Horn of Africa because we are an expert.


All the projects will appear here

At first the hospital had no bed at all. This was how it looks like. It is our plan to full equip the hospital to safe the live of the local people in the Horn of Africa. 

school, teacher, education

It is our aim to develop schools and equip with all the necessary euipments , so that the children can benfit from it. There are children who are learning under the tree and we would love to help them so that they have classrooms, sport ground, clean water, library and toilet. They of course light so that they study at school when it is dark. 

fire hydrant, waterhole, water

The local people from the Horn of Africa have no clean water to drink at all. They suffer a lot, especially during the dry season. Drilling water is the best solution to the water shortage so that local people can get clean drinking water and that is our priority.